The World Boxing Federation
heavyweight title fight between
reigning champion Francois Botha
and former four-time world
heavyweight champion Evander
Holyfield will not take place on
January 16th, as the financial
backers have failed to live up
to the advance payment to both
camps within the agreed
Promoter Eddie Bazira is hoping
to finalize things in the coming
week, and if everything falls
into place the fight will
instead take place on a
postponed date, most likely
February 20, at the same venue:
The Nelson Mandela Memorial
Stadium in Kampala, Uganda.
The teams of both Botha and
Holyfield have agreed to hang on
a little while longer, as both
camps really want this fight to
happen. But obviously things
must fall into place soon in
order for February 20 to be
possible. |