The World Boxing Federation
today confirmed Javier Gallego
Quintana of Spain as a new staff
member, taking up the position
of Regional Representative for
the Iberian Peninsula.
Gallego Quintana, from
Barcelona, has a bachelor in
business science and has learned
the boxing trade from his father
Emiliano from an early age,
assisting him in training,
managerial, matchmaking and
promotional duties in the family
company since many years.
Having already accumulated vast
experience in boxing, but still
having the enthusiasm that comes
with being 28 years young,
Gallego Quintana perfectly fits
the profile the WBF is looking
for for its management.
We welcome Javier on board very
much and are positive that he
will develop Spain and Portugal
for us, said Vice President
Jean Marcel Nartz from his
German office, For sure, he
brings the eagerness,
determination, gusto and
credibility that is required for
the job. |