Howard Goldberg, President of
the World Boxing Federation, has
regrettably announced the
resignation of Vice President
Ron Scalf of the USA due to
external business commitments.
Mr. Scalf, based in Tennessee,
has been an integral and pivotal
member of the World Boxing
Federation since its inception
and his professional commitment
and great wisdom will be sorely
missed, even though Mr. Scalf
has indicated his willingness to
assist if and where necessary.
The World Boxing Federation will
be appointing an American
representative in the very near
future and this appointment will
be made known as soon as
possible. The whole team of the
World Boxing Federation thanks
Mr. Scalf for all his efforts
and wish him all the best in his
future endeavors.
On a positive note, highly
regarded journalist Rinze van
der Meer of The Netherlands has
accepted the position of Media
Director for the World Boxing
Federation, a post that recently
became vacant with the
resignation of Graham Pearman.
Besides being one of the world’s
foremost boxing historians and
owner of a huge collection of
memorabilia, Mr. Van der Meer
also serves as General Secretary
of the Dutch national Federation
Living in Arnhem with his
family, Mr. Van der Meer has
been writing on boxing for many
decades and is well-renowned as
continental correspondent for
the esteemed British ‘Boxing
News’. “I am very happy for
Rinze to have joined the World
Boxing Federation,” says
European Coordinator Olaf
Schroeder, “as there is no
doubting his qualities as a